Civil & Structural Engineers BIM Management

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Lesson series
  • By: ExceptionalBIM
  • Level: Module 3
  • Study time: 2 hours
  • Assessment:  Yes
practical approach
This course has been developed to help civil engineers develop models and information for their BIM projects. Structural BIM modelling and the information required for the BIM process. Focus is on the “structural model”, which is the BIM model produced by the structural designer.
learner outcome
To understanding the BIM Process and by using a graphical guide in relation to the project’s various design stages. Case studies are shared to aid understanding.
Course overview
Module 3 BIM Civil and Structural engineering course explores the guidelines and digital workflows required for the roll-out a structural engineer digital design strategy across a project and what personal and developmental skills structural and civil engineers need to persuade other team members to adjust or adopt with new digital design processes. Structural BIM modelling and data exchange requirements for the BIM models in this course refers specifically to the “structural model”, which is the BIM model produced by the structural designer.
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Certification included
This course is accredited and certified by ExceptionalBIM.

Course Lessons

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