Bluebeam Revu Fundamentals

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Course features
  • Company: RDS 
  • Type: Software Course
  • Study time: 2 hours
  • Practical exercises: No
  • Certified: 80% Passmark
Practical Approach
This acredited course will allow you to acquire the foundational skills necessary to begin using Bluebeam Revu to make sure you are streamlining your workflows. This is the place to start.
learner outcomes
 Learners who study on this course are looking to begin their careers within fields in the AEC Industry.  See what Revu® can do for your project team. Understand it's powerful document management with easy access and speedy design collaboration. Revu® integrates seemlessly with most systems, sorting and summarising snags, improving you and your teams project management for any AEC specialist. 
Course overview
Course explores the essentials of Bluebeam Revu, the PDF collaboration program designed specifically for the AEC construction industry. Revu includes plugins for most computer-aided design software enables quick and easy conversion of BIM models into a PDF file. 
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Real Data Systems accredits and certifies this course. As  one of the international AEC software leaders, RDS is know as the reputable, specialised global BLUEBEAM® in Africa, The Middle East & Europe.

Course Lessons

abouth the company

Real Data Systems (RDS)

RDS is a leading digital transformation company. We offer premier digital workflow solutions for all types of industries. We specialise in the automation of processes and digital workflows for Private and Government organisations. Our footprint spans across the whole of Africa, through the Middle East into Eastern Europe, over to Ireland and the UK. We are dedicated to providing world class solutions and unmatched business automation for our clients. “We set the standard for digital workflows and business processes"
We believe in mutual collaboration through strategic training and independent on-project mentorship, using our software solutions we will assist you in expanding into the world of digital automation and paperless workflows seamlessly.
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