The Rules of BIM Engagement

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Course features
  • Company: BIM Institute
  • Level: BIM Leadership
  • Study Time: 2 hours
  • Practical Exercises: No
  • Assessment: 80% Pass
practical approach
As a manager, you are also expected to be a buffer zone between higher management and your staff. As a leader you are also responsible for a whole team of people that you probably didn’t pick, may not like, might have nothing in common with and who perhaps won’t like you much. This course highlights the rules on BIM  engagement while keeping in mind that management is an art not a science. 
The various international mentors within this series of BIM rules have been carefully selected to present a contemporary perspective of the theoretical scope and practical skills required to co-ordinate and manage people on a project that is considering adopting digital engineering requirements on projects. It examines various management rules and leadership techniques associated with people, processes and technology activities, developing the learner’s ability to critically evaluate their appropriateness for use in a variety of situations on BIM projects.
Course overview
The  rules of BIM engagement are absolutely essential skill sets, because when you are a leader, difficult conversations are one of the things you have to have. Using International BIM Mentors, these BIM rules have been developed to simulate the experience of working in a traditional project environment and translate it into a digital BIM project environment in advance of real project aspirations and provide exposure to alternate BIM usage across different disciplines.
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This course carriers a Global eTraining( GeT) and BIM Institute for Learning endorsement.
BIM Rules of Engagement mentors


Vaughan Harris

Baron of BIM, CEO a@ Exceptional BIM
Main Rules of Engagement Presenter

Pierre Venter

Presenter of Rule 1: Keeping the Team Abreast of BIM

Dominik Schleipen

Presenter of Rule  2: Candid Communication

Ralph Montague

director @ arcdox
Presenter of Rule  3: Setting Boundaries

Ross Griffin

Founder @kosmos
Presenter of Rule  4: Pragmatic Planning

Nathan Doughty

Presenter of Rule  5: Letting the Team see Digital Engineering

Gavin Crump

Founder & bim consultant @ bim guru
Presenter of Rule 6: Rock your Role as BIM Leader

Paul Wilkinson

Technology consultant, writer, journalist,public speaker
Presenter of Rule 7: Digital Discussions

Steven Drew

Architecture Social fouder & Head of Architecture at Macdonald & Company
Presenter of Rule 9: Hire Raw Talent

Marzia Bolpagni

Senior BIM Advisor@ Mace
Presenter of Rule 10: Hire Raw Talent

Justin Taylor

#theBIMalchemist @Autodesk
Presenter of Rule 11: Respect Digital Differences

David Shepherd

Project BIM Leader @ House of Commons
Presenter of Rule 12: Train them to bring Answers not Problems

Herman van Eeden

Senior Consultant at RIB Software
Presenter of Rule 13: Even Digital has Limitations

Vicki Reynolds

Chief Technology Officer at i3PT 
Presenter of Rule 14: Are you Bold Enough to take Responsibility

Brittanie Campbell-Turner

Chief Technology Officer at constructr
Presenter of Rule 15: Have an open door BIM policy

Iain Miskimmin

Digital Built Britain BIM advisor
Presenter of Rule 17: If there is no value, why do it?

BIM Rules 

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